


Auto Service Savings near Greenville, TX

Regular car maintenance is important if you want your vehicle to serve you for a long time. To know how often you should go to an automotive service center, refer to your owner’s manual.

If you’re looking for a place to get auto service near Greenville, TX, look no further than Jay Hodge Chevrolet. Our services are affordable, and they are performed by factory-trained technicians. To save more money, you can take advantage of our auto service coupons.

When Should You Get Auto Service?

The best way to take care of your vehicle is to follow a regular car maintenance schedule. But sometimes, no matter how well you take care of your vehicle, you can still experience some car problems. You should be on the lookout for the following signs that tell you that your car needs immediate auto service:

The Check Engine Light is On

You shouldn’t ignore it when your check engine light comes on. It usually means that there’s something wrong with your vehicle. You shouldn’t panic when the check engine light is on, but you should immediately go to an automotive service center to determine what’s wrong with your vehicle.

Smoke Coming Out of the Hood

If you see smoke coming out of your hood while driving, it could mean that your engine is overheating. It’s a severe problem that needs immediate professional attention. Driving with an overheated engine can cause bigger and more expensive problems to your vehicle.

Transmission Problems

If you have trouble speeding up or if your gearbox is vibrating and making strange noises, there’s probably something wrong with your transmission. The transmission is your car’s power system, and it needs regular maintenance. If your transmission has a problem, you should have it checked immediately ... unless you want to get stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Major Fluid Leaks

If you see puddles forming underneath your car, vital fluid could be leaking. You should check the color of the liquid. If it’s clear, it could just be water from your air conditioner. But if it’s reddish or brown, it could be your engine oil, transmission oil, or brake fluid leaking. If you suspect that your car is missing a vital fluid, you should have it checked by a mechanic soon.

Strange Noise While Driving

If you hear unusual sounds while driving, go to an automotive service center immediately. A dragging noise could mean your wheel or differential bearing is failing. You may need to replace your brake pads if you hear a grinding noise when you step on the brakes. A certified mechanic can determine the cause of any strange noise from your vehicle.

Trouble Starting

Troubles starting your vehicle could mean that your battery is failing, or you may need new spark plugs.

You should immediately take your vehicle to Jay Hodge Chevrolet if you notice any of these signs. We have skilled technicians in our automotive service center in Sulphur Springs, TX, just a few minutes away from Greenville, to fix your car in no time.

Schedule Auto Service at Jay Hodge Chevrolet

You shouldn’t ignore the signs above. If you suspect something is wrong with your vehicle, you should have it checked by a reliable automotive service center like Jay Hodge Chevrolet. We provide affordable and reliable auto services near Greenville, TX. Schedule a service today by filling out our online form.

Get Directions

478 Wildcat Way, Sulphur Springs, TX, 75482
Jay Hodge Chevrolet 33.10835, -95.60622.